A-7A Corsair II & an A-7E Corsair II, too!
The Fujimi 1/72nd scale A-7 Corsairs: Here are my Navy A-7s depicted as Vietnam era aircraft. The Fujimi kits are, pretty much, accurate in shape and in the details. The intake, specifically, has the correct rounded bottom mouth. On the downside, the intake fit is not very good. The intake assembly is just a touch too narrow where it mates to the main fuselage; the hardest circumstance to correct with putty & sandpaper. Several things going on here: I played with some different panel line techniques. After I primed the model with flat white enamel & it dried, I drew in & restored the panel lines with a medium lead pencil on the model scheme that would remain white. Then I went over the flat white with gloss white enamel mixed with 40% paint and 60% thinner. This overcoat produced a simi-gloss finish that wasn't a toy like high-gloss appearance. The translucent overcoat toned down the pencil lines. I was pleased with the effect, but next time I'll used a li...